The near-surface soil layers of sedimentary basins play a critical role in modifying the amplitude, frequency, and duration of earthquake ground shaking and, thus, are an important factor to consider in ground-motion simulations, the development of site amplification factors, and earthquake hazard evaluations on a regional scale. In this article, we present a sediment velocity model (SVM) that translates VS30 and a proxy that describes the stiffness of the near-surface sediments into a 1D velocity profile suitable for use in wave-propagation-based ground-motion predictions. We develop the SVM based on the statistics of 914 measured velocity profiles. We conduct a validation study and show that the SVM can satisfactorily predict both 1D shear-wave velocity profiles and linear site amplification factors. Lastly, we propose two correlations that enable the stochastic realization of the SVM profiles
A Generic Velocity Profile for Basin Sediments in California Conditioned on V S30
Jian Shi and Domniki Asimaki
Penerbit :
Seismological Research Letters
Tahun :
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No Klasifikasidoi: 10.1785/0220170268
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Lokasi TerbitUSA
Jumlah Hal13
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Versi FisikTIDAK
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik//
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia-