This book would not have come into being without Carla Suson’s consistently brilliant editing; Colleen Norwine’s key insights; Evelien Bakker’s (Senior Publishing Editor, Springer-Dordrecht) encouragement and support; the help, tolerance, and friendship of colleagues at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, particularly Tom McGehee, Jae Yu, Kermeta Clayton, and Rex Gandy; and, not least, the commitment and dedication of expert contributors from all comers of the globe. Finally, I want to acknowledge my great debt to two luminaries of their respective generations of academic geographers: Wilbur Zelinsky (emeritus, The Pennsylvania State University) for his insightful critical reading of an early-stage version of the manuscript; and Jonathan M. Smith (Texas A&M University) for moral and intellectual support, guidance, andencouragement without which this book would remain a dream. My profound thanks to all.
A World After Climate Change and Culture-Shift
Jim Norwine
Penerbit :
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrech
Tahun :
Buku Text
No Scan14
No Klasifikasi551.6
No Registrasi010B012016
Lokasi Terbit-
Jumlah Hal68
Label551.6 Jim w
Versi DigitalYA
Versi FisikYA
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik01/B/14
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia1