J F P Galvin has spent his career with the MetOffice, most of it working as an observer orforecaster of the weather in the UK andMediterranean. He has had a long-held fascinationwith tropical weather and its differentcharacter. He gained a Master's Degree in AppliedMeteorology at the University of Reading in2000, and much of the inspiration for thisbook has its origins in a module on tropicalmeteorology, studied as part of the course.This book is updated, revised and extendedfrom a series published in the RMetS journalWeather, of which he is now editor.Tlie originalpapers were written in part as a guide for forecastersin the World-Area Forecast Centreat the Met Office, where he is a specialistmeteorologist.Between 2000 and 2006, he served asHonorary Photographic Editor on the EditorialBoard of Weather and is a prolific writer onmeteorology. Recently he has assisted inthe production of aWest Africa (Parker & Diop-Kane, 2015). He is married with two girls, and greatlyenjoys photography, travel and reading novels.
An Introduction to the Meteorology and Climate of the Tropics
J F P Galvin
Penerbit :
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Tahun :
Buku Text
Meteorologi Iklim Cuaca Tropis
No Scan135
No Klasifikasi551-50913
No Registrasi022B102016
Lokasi Terbit-
Jumlah Hal26
Label551-50913 Gal a
Versi DigitalYA
Versi FisikYA
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik01/A/01
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia1