In the 30 years that have passed since we embarked on the first edition of this book, atmospheric science has developed into a major field of study with far- reaching scientific and societal implications. Topics such as climate and atmospheric chemistry, which were not deemed sufficiently important to warrant chapters of their own 30 years ago, are now major branches of the discipline. More traditional topics such as weather forecasting, understanding the processes that lead to severe storms, and the radiation balance of the Earth have been placed on firmer foundations. Satellite-borne sensors that were in the early stages of development 30 years ago are now providing comprehensive observations of Earth’s atmosphere. Those who have witnessed these accomplishments and contributed to them, if only in minor ways, have been fortunate indeed.
Atmospheric Science An Introductory Survey
John M. Wallace • Peter V. Hobbs
Penerbit :
Elsevier Inc.
Tahun :
Buku Text
Meteorologi physics Iklim
No Scan377
No Klasifikasi551.5
No Registrasi13A/III/2011
Lokasi Terbit-
Jumlah Hal25
Label551.5 Wal a
Versi DigitalYA
Versi FisikYA
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik01/A/01
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia2