The climate of our planet has remained within a range compatible with life since several billion years. Theories of star evolution suggest that the amount of heat emitted by the sun increased by about 10% since 4 109 years, so that several factors of the climatic system, such as the chemical composition of the atmosphere, must have changed in order to maintain the air temperature within a range permitting the occurrence of abundant liquid water at the earth's surface.
Climate andglobal change
J. C. Duplessy, A Pons, R. Fantechi
Penerbit :
European Communities
Tahun :
Buku Text
No Scan340
No Klasifikasi551.6
No Registrasi022a/iv/1996
Lokasi Terbit
Jumlah Hal53
Label551.6 Dup c
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Versi FisikTIDAK
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