Earth surface processes include weathering; sediment production by weathering and biochemical or chemical precipitation; erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment under the influence of gravity, flowing water, air, and ice; earthquakes and Earth surface motions; volcanic eruptions and movement of volcanic ejecta. Study of the landforms (morphology) of the Earth’s surface, including the processes responsible for such landforms, is called geomorphology. The study of sediment, specifically the nature and origin of unconsolidated sediments and consolidated sedimentary rocks, is called sedimentology. Stratigraphy strictly means the description of (sedimentary) strata, which, by definition, is another aspect of sedimentology.
Earth Surface [Processes, Landforms and Sediment Deposits
John Bridge and M Cambridge
Penerbit :
Cambridge University Press, New York
Tahun :
Buku Text
No Scan372
No Klasifikasi551.3
No Registrasi012A/VI/2009
Lokasi Terbit
Jumlah Hal43
Label551.3 Bri e
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