Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness for Visually Impaired Persons, Braille Edition addreses the critical gap in accessible disaster preparedness information for visually impaired individuals in Indonesia. The book employs Braille print to equip readers with essential steps for safety during natural disasters. Develop through collaboration between BMKG, JICA, and Disabled People's Organisation it highlights safety tips about earthquake and tsunami mitigation to be more inclusive for disaster-ready society.
Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness for Visually Impaired Persons, Braille Edition
Yoko Ota, Karin Nadira Dauwani, Tribowo Kriswinarso, S.Sn, dkk
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Buku Terbitan Pusat
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Lokasi TerbitJakarta, Indonesia
Jumlah Hal26
Versi DigitalYA
Versi FisikTIDAK
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik//
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia-