We present a comparison between global seismic ray coverage for observations at today’s largely on-land seismic stations and coverage possible with the addition of proposed Science Monitoring and Reliable Telecommunication (SMART) cables equipped with closely spaced seismic sensors. Coverage is estimated by generating P-wave rays through the ak135 reference model from 1668 earthquakes having M > 6:0, traced to 4421 permanent and temporary seismic stations in existence to date. An additional 1382 anticipated sensors populating notional first-generation SMART cables provide new rays originating from the same 1668 earthquakes. The greatest improvement in the ray-path coverage is observed beneath the Indian, Atlantic, and northern Pacific Oceans, where at some depths, the number of well-sampled model cells is increased by a factor of more than three times, compared to the coverage possible using only existing stations. The improved coverage may offer clear benefits for earthquake detection and location, global seismological modeling, and the fundamental understanding of Earth’s dynamic processes.
Enhanced Global Seismic Resolution Using Transoceanic SMART Cables
N. Ranasinghe, C. Rowe, E. Syracuse, C. Larmat, and M. Begnaud
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Seismological Research Letters
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No Klasifikasidoi: 10.1785/0220170068
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