The authors of this book include a chemist (Donald L. Fox), a meteorologist (D. Bruce Turner), and a mechanical engineer (Richard W. Boubel). This 1:1:1 ratio has some relevance in that it approximates the ratio of those professionally involved in the field of air pollution. In the environmental protection and management field, the experience of the recent past has been that physicists and electrical engineers have been most attracted to the radiation, nuclear, and noise areas; biologists and civil engineers to the aquatic and solid waste areas; chemists, meteorologists, and chemical and mechanical engineers to the area of air pollution and its control. These remarks are not intended to exclude all others from the party (or from this course). The control of air pollution requires the combined efforts of all the professions mentioned, in addition to the input of physicians, lawyers, and social scientists. However, the professional mix of the authors, and their expectation of a not-too-dissimilar mix of students using this book, forewarns the tenor of its contents and presentation.
Fundamentals ELSEVIER of Air Pollution
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