The continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) network operating in the northern Andes (Ecuador and Colombia) for about a decade has the main objectives of quantifying interseismic coupling along the subduction interface, detecting occurrence of transient aseismic episodic slip, detailing the rupture kinematics of large earthquakes, recording long-term movements along crustal faults, as well as recording swelling or deflation on the flanks of volcanoes. An opportunity to test the network’s timely registry of surface coseismic offsets was provided by the 16 April 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador, earthquake whose epicenter was along the western margin of central Ecuador, South America.
Monitoring the Earthquake Cycle in the Northern Andes from the Ecuadorian cGPS Network
Patricia A. Mothes, Frederique Rolandone
Penerbit :
Seismological Research Letters
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No Klasifikasidoi: 10.1785/0220170243
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