New Theory ofthe Earth is an interdisciplinary advanced textbook on the origin, composition, and evolution ofthe Earth’s interior: geophysics, geochemistry, dynamics,Convection mineralogy, volcanism, energetics, and thermaLMstdiy.Thitflsthe only bookon the whole andscape of deep Earth processes that ties together all the strands ofthe subdisciplines. It is a complete update of, Anderson’s Theory of the Earth (1989). It includes many new sections and dozens of new figures arid^tables. Aswith theoriginal book, this^new editon wil I prove to be a eochemistry, and planetary science, and a supplementary textbook on a wide range of other advanced Earth science courses. It will also be an essential reference and resource for all researchers in the solid Earth sciences. From reviews ofthe previous edition, Theory of the EarthTheory of the Earth is one of the most important books ofthe decade... Anderson is one of a very small group of scientists who have managed to achieve success in both fields [geophysics and geochemistry], providing a dual experience that makes his book an invaluable survey... Anderson’s text, the first in its field, will be ofgreat benefit to students around the world.” PeterJ. Smith, Department of Earth Sciences, Open Universitymuch to the envy ofthe rest of us, there are a few people within the Earth-science community who are, well, fairly superhuman. Don Anderson is one of them - as close to be being the complete geophysicist/geochemist as anyone is ever likely to be... Anderson has produced a remarkable sysnthesis of our present understanding of the Earth’s interior.”Nature“ The appearance of this book is a major event in geoscience literature. It is a comprehensive statement on the physics and chemistry of the Earth by one of the great authorites of our time. It will occupy a prominent place on our bookshelves for the rest of our professional lives... a very valuable book.”
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