Why Choose "PHYSICAL GEOLOGY"? Here Are Just Three of the MANY Reasons: The Proven Quality Since the book was published in 1979, more than 500,000 students have read this text as an introduction to physical geology. That means geology instructors have relied on this text for over 5,000 courses to explain, illustrate, and exemplify basic geologic concepts to both majors and non-majors. Today, the 1 l’h edition continues to provide contemporary perspectives that reflect current research, recent natural disasters, unmatched illustrations,and,unparalleled. learning aids. We have worked closely with contributors, reviewers, and our editors to publish the most accurate and cunent text possible. The Superior Art Program . This new edition includes an updated art program that will hot only aid in understanding, but also engage a student’s interest. In this new edition, 300 illustrations have been revised, or created from scratch and 130 new photos have been added. The Electronic Media Integration McGraw-Hill is proud to bring you an assortment, of 44 outstanding animations like no others. These include 20 completely new'animations and 23 animations retained and revised from previous editions. These animations are located oh the Online Learning Center and also, on the Digital Content Manager that accompany Physical Geology. A special animation icon has been placed beside every figure in the text that has a corresponding animation. These animations offer students a fresh and dynamic method of learning about geology concepts such as dynamics of groundwater movement, isostacy. plate tectonics, and more
Charles C. Plummer, Diane H. Carlson, The Late David McGeary
Penerbit :
The McGraw-Hill Companies
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Buku Text
No Scan6
No Klasifikasi550
No Registrasi46a/IV/2012
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Jumlah Hal56
Label550 Plu p
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