A number of excellent review articles exists on various meteorological applications of radar but this is the only book which spans the entire range of applications. The book is strongly technique-oriented and, where it deals with-the nature of atmospheric phenomena, it does so mainly to demonstrate the observational potential of radar. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the subject matter, it is appropriate that the author has attempted a concise and simple form of presentation, supported by an extensive and very useful list of about 600 references for those wishing to probe more deeply."—Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society "The present volume ... is solely concerned with the application of microwave radar in the study of atmospheric phenomena including precipitation, cloud, wind and clear air turbulence. The author has succeeded in covering most of the relevant material in less than 300 pages of text. This should have considerable appeal to a wide scientific readership apart from meteorologists, particularly those who lack a specific background in electronics."—Nature "This book is a new version of the author’s Radar Meteorology which was published in 1959. . . . Anyohe who has found Radar Meteorology of value will find this version.more so, and anybody new to the subject would be well advised to commence his reading with this book."—Meteorology Magazine "The needs of the researcher are well served and the author admirably achieves his goal, stated in the Preface, of.reviewing in a small volume ‘what is known about the use of microwave radar for observing atmospheric phenomena
Radar Observation of the Atmosphere
Louis J. Battan
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Buku Text
No Scan31
No Klasifikasi551.635 3
No Registrasi026A/X/1993
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Jumlah Hal26
Label551.635 3 Bat r 2
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Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik01/A/13
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia5