There are already several good textbooks on hydrology, so the obvious question is why produce yet another. The original motivation behind this book came from a concern about the lack of textbooks dealing with urban drainage. Flooding in urban areas, for example, is one of the most immediate impacts which hydrology has on the daily life of many people. There is now at least one book (Butler, D. (2000) Urban Drainage. Spon, London) on this subject, but on further reflection it seemed that the real problem was that the link between urban and rural hydrology was not being made. Essentially the same hydrological processes of attenuation, evaporation, infiltration and other losses occur in both urban and rural areas. The only real difference is in the relative importance of these processes and the time-scale involved; in urban areas the time-scale is usually minutes while in rural areas it is more often hours or days.
Buku Text
No Scan317
No Klasifikasi551.48
ISBN0 7277 3230 7
No Registrasi063A/XII/2007
Lokasi Terbit-
Jumlah Hal27
Label551.48 Man r
Versi DigitalYA
Versi FisikYA
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik01/B/14
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia1