"The Carbon-Climate-Human System It has been more than a century since Arrhenius (1896) first concluded that continued emissions of carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels could lead to a warmer climate. In the succeeding decades, Arrheniuss calculations have proved both eerily prescient and woefully incomplete. His fundamental conclusion, linking fossil-fuel com bustion, the radiation balance of the Earth system, and global climate, has been solidly confirmed. Both sophisticated climate models (Cubasch et al. 2001) and studies of past climates (Joos and Prentice, Chapter 7, this volume) document the link between atmospheric CO2 and global climate. The basic understanding of this link has led to amassive investment in detailed knowledge, as well as to political action. The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a remarkable accomplishment, signifying international recognition of the vulnerability of global climate to human actions (Sanz et al., Chapter 24, this volume)."
The Global Carbon Cycle
Christopher B. Field and Michael R. Raupach
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