In the 1950s, Professors Herbert Riehl and Clarence Palmer laid the foundations for Tropical Meteorology. They recognized the importance of numerous phenomena such as trades, monsoons and tropical cyclones. They were the early teachers for whole generations of students to follow. Dr Joanne Simpson was also a pioneer in bringing out the importance of tropical clouds as a distinctly different entity from the middle latitude stratiform layers.
Tropical Meteorology
T.N. Krishnamurti, Lydia Stefanova, Vasubandhu Misra
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Tropis Meteorologi atmosfer Atmospheric
No Scan308
No Klasifikasi551.5
No Registrasi026B102016
Lokasi Terbit-
Jumlah Hal13
Label551.5 Kri t
Versi DigitalYA
Versi FisikYA
Lokasi Rak Buku Fisik01/A/05
Jumlah Exemplar Fisik Tersedia1