We compare several redatuming approaches for the estimation of virtual Green’s functions in the subsurface, including seismic interferometry, Marchenko redatuming, and extended source– receiver Marchenko redatuming, in which each of these approaches accounts for internal multiple scattering. One application of redatuming is to reduce the distorting effects of overburden structures for better imaging of subsurface structures at depth. Classic seismic interferometry allows for the reconstruction of the Green’s function between two receivers in the subsurface but needs illumination along the surrounding boundary. In contrast, Marchenko redatuming only requires one-sided illumination; however, a smooth estimate of the velocity model is needed to convert the focusing times to depth.
Virtual Green’s Functions Using Seismic Interferometry and Marchenko Redatuming
Robert L. Nowack and Mert Sinan Recep Kiraz
Penerbit :
Seismological Research Letters
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No Klasifikasidoi: 10.1785/0220170211
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